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Discover The Secret To Creating

Profit-Pulling Sales Funnels


When You Build It Right

They Will Buy Now...

And They Will Buy Again.


Create Value. Celebrate Results.

The best sales funnels by design lead your prospect from first contact to first purchase... and then on to repeat purchases over time.

It begins with knowing your "Customer Avatar." What are your ideal customer's hopes, dreams and fears... what are the problems and challenges they face?


You want to get inside their head and heart and listen to the conversation they are having with themselves. Next, solve their problems, one step at a time.

Survey your market when possible (both prospects and customers) to get clear about their wants, desires and needs... as well as their frustrations and fears.

Knowledge in hand, create the perfect "love offering"... also known as the "lead magnet".  You will give this away in exchange for their email address and often, their name.  Depending on your niche, you may ask for their phone number as well.


Once they opt-in and accept your gift, let your funnel work its magic. In other words, "congrats on a successful first date." 


Provide Irresistible Value

Each Step Of The Way

Your opt-in offer is the beginning of a relationship that ideally becomes life long. Your customer becomes like a "significant other," and you're wise to treat them that way.


Each step in the funnel process builds on a symphony of sales copy and words that create high conversions, boatloads of cash along with a tribe of satisfied and loyal customers.  What's more, they become repeat buyers.

You are the conductor, creating irresistible value — the most important quality of your funnel — each step of the way. Get it right and they will buy... and keep on buying

Whether you need a Lead Capture funnel, a Survey funnel, a VSL funnel, a Webinar funnel or multiple funnels... your journey begins here.


Contact me to discuss availability for any of your sales funnel needs, including:


Big Picture Strategy This is the Vision that becomes the Reality.  It's the foundation upon which you build your business and marketing empire.

Crafting The Perfect Lead Magnet – Your funnel begins here and provides an actionable benefit with recognizable value.

Creating Your Port Of Entry The Port of Entry builds your customer base with a low-priced offer that creates more value.  Also called a "Tripwire" offer.

Developing And Naming Your Core Offer Your flagship product solves your customer's problem(s) and provides significant value.

Adding On Profit Booster Options Also known as upsells or one time offers, these increase value and add to your bottom line.

Weave Your Return Path Email Sequence – Each step in the funnel is knitted together with emails that lead to more sales.


The right funnel with the right copy helps create an avalanche of new prospects, customers and sales. Don't settle for anything less.


Until then... Carpe Diem!  Because You Can.


To your success,




P.S. Contact me to discuss the possibilities, and for information on rates. Samples are also available on request.   


P.P.S.  I've created a Free Report called, "The One Word."  This one word can double or triple your conversions... practically overnight.


Click Here To Download Your Free Report









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