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Who Else Wants A Huge Following Of 

Raving Fans And Loyal Customers For Life?

How To Get Your Prospects
To Magically Say "Yes"...
24 Hours Around the Clock

Your Sales Copy Is The Master Key.



Fellow Conscious Marketer,


When you want to get the best possible results with your marketing... what you say and how you say it matters. 


In other words, copywriting that appeals to your prospect's emotions... and triggers a buying response... is what leads to marketing success.

It's rare that a product or service sells itself. Even "must-have" products or services need to be effectively promoted and sold.


You want copy that reaches deep inside the mind and heart of your prospect... and then inspires him or her to take action.

Think of it this way... good copy promoting a lesser quality product will outperform bad copy promoting a better quality product almost every time.

And whether it’s a sales letter or a VSL, a lead capture page, an autoresponder email sequence or a piece of direct mail... the right copy gets you more optins and customers, and gets you higher conversions and more cash.


Without it, your conversions and sales will suffer.

Success Secret #1:
The Right Copy Gets BIG Results

The right copy captures your visitor's attention and gets them to take action. It gives your marketing efforts a turbo-boost like just about nothing else can.

Here's the process in a nutshell...


Know what your prospect values. Know what they want and why they want it.

Empathize with your prospect's pain.

Build rapport and trust.

Reveal the solution and how your

solution benefits your prospect.

Use words that trigger an emotional response and inspire them to buy.

Present proof elements and an offer

they can't refuse to close the sale.

Provide outstanding customer

service and build loyal fans for life.


Deep down your ideal prospect wants to join your list... they want to buy from you and become a customer... and the right copy helps make it happen.

Success Secret #2:
The Right Formula Seals The Deal

Along with having the right copy, there is an enduring formula you can count on to help your business grow.  Apply this formula and your success is virtually guaranteed.

It may have begun when the first caveman started trading his wares. Not having been there, at least to my recollection, I can't say for sure. =)


That said, the science of persuasion and success was born out of the natural desire to give and receive value in exchange for value.

And whether in the streets of Ancient Egypt or the markets of Ancient Greece and Rome... in stores on Main Street, malls in Suburbia or at websites in cyberspace...

Those who understand and wield the magnetic power of this formula build global brands. They plant their flag atop the Mt. Everest of their industry or niche.

The good news, it's not rocket science. 


Serve your market with their good in mind and your fortunes will be blessed. In fact, this formula can be summed up in three simple words...


What's more, it doesn't matter if you're selling digital products, physical products or services of some kind... because the principles are the same.


ATTRACT — Cultivate a success mindset. Commit to providing outstanding

value. Craft an irresistible offer. Promote and attract prospects to your sales

letters, squeeze pages and direct mail campaigns like bees to honey.

PERSUADE — Show and tell prospects (existing customers, too) in your copy

why they should buy from you... and continue to buy. Use persuasion principles

to evoke an emotional response and move them to take action... right now.

CONVERT — Test, track and tweak the headline, the copy and the offer. Get feedback from prospects and customers. Practice continuous improvement for optimal sales conversions, optins and results.


So... there you have it... your two-step path to marketing success. It's your blueprint to getting your products and services into the hands of those who need them the most.


And whether you serve your local community... or a larger than life global cause...  these two success secrets can help you realize your dreams and goals.


Get the process and the formula right... and the boundless blue sky will open up for you.

Because Words Matter.

Naturally, it can help to have a guide along the way... which is where I come in. My goal is to help you fine-tune your strategy and message so it hits the mark.

Ultimately, words matter. It's the right words composed with persuasive power that inspire your prospects to take action... and that get results.

Reach out if you have something special to contribute to the world. Working together, I'm confident we can boost your conversions and sales... and grow your business as big as the vision you have for it.

Until then... Carpe Diem! Because You Can.

To your success,




P.S. Contact me to discuss the possibilities, and for information on rates. Samples are also available on request.   


P.P.S.  I've created a Free Report called, "The One Word."  This one word can double or triple your conversions... practically overnight.


Click Here To Download Your Free Report














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